
Friday, May 31, 2013

Homemade Baby Food Combos for 8-12 months

Now that GiGi has hit the 8 month mark, she can try a much bigger variety of foods so I experimented and tried out a few things. Check out some of her favorite concoctions (or my previous post on making baby food!). Some things so good even mom and dad could give them a try!

Sweet Potatoes & Lentils
Steam up two sweet potatoes to a soft consistency. Boil 1/2 cup of dried lentils according to package directions. Blend the sweet potatoes to a relatively smooth consistency. Mash up the lentils with a fork. Stir to combine. Chicken or beef also go great with this. (Poach the chicken or beef and toss it in a blender with some water just like you would vegetables.) Once babe is ready for finger foods, just mash up the sweet potatoes with the lentils to keep it chunky for those little fingers.

Broccoli & Green Apple
Steam up two cups of broccoli and one medium green apple. The apple just needs to be softened so if you are steaming them together, steam the broccoli for a few minutes before you add the apple. Blend them together to a smooth consistency.

Avocado & Cream Cheese
Super simple! Just mash up half of an avocado and mix with two tablespoons of cream cheese.

yum! yum!
all gone!

Apple & Carrot Turkey Meatloafs
original recipe from momtastic

This was one of my favorites from when curly girl was little. 

1 lb ground turkey
1 whole egg or two egg yolks, beaten (yolks if you're nervous about egg allergies)
1/4 cup applesauce
1/4 cup carrot puree 
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup wheat or oat bran
pinch of basil
pinch of garlic powder

Combine all ingredients. Add more bread crumbs or carrot/apple puree if it seems too wet or too dry. You can bake it in a regular loaf pan at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Slice and crumble for the little one. I like to use a muffin pan and put about a 1/2 cup of mixture in each tin. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. I'll make a double-batch and freeze extras for quick meals (or maybe when you finally treat yourself out to a dinner out and need something easy for a babysitter to serve.)

little turkey meatloaf muffins

clearly staged for a picture. it looked nothing like this two seconds after serving it to miss gigi

Banana Teething Biscuits
original recipe from easy banana recipes

1 cup flour
1 cup of dry baby cereal
1 medium banana, mashed (1/3 cup)
2 TB vegetable oil
3 TB water

Combine flour and cereal. Mix in banana, oil and water until it forms a non-sticky dough. Pat out on a floured surface to a 1/2" thick. Cut into bars and smooth out the edges. Bake at 425 degrees for 10-12 minutes on a greased or parchment papered cookie sheet. Allow to cool and harden. 

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